Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My favourite CHUTNEY

just now i was going out with one of my staff for breakfast. she invited me to this indian stall for an indian breakfast. at first, i didn't want to go out because i've prepared myself with some barley drink with oats in the ofice. so, anyway i just spontaneously said that i agreed to go with her. so, we went. the stall is so modest, and quite a number of people are also visiting the stall. she ordered idlii and i ordered thosai. she drank iced milo and i drank nescafe 'tarik'. so came our food, they served my thosai with coconut chutney and onian chutney. OMG! the onion chutney tasted absolutely delicious and probably the best chutney i've tasted so far. :) i finished my chutney first before my thosai and i went and the aunty to give me more chutney. till now, my mouth has the onion breath. haha...

i went on searching for chutney recipe and i found one which actually looks like it will taste like the aunty's chutney.


Onion - 1 medium
R.chillies - 4
Ginger - 1 inch
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Chana dal - 1 tbsp
Tamarind paste - 1/2 tsp
Shredded coconut - 1/2 cup

Heat 2 tsp oil and add mustard seeds first. Once they pop, add the chana dal and fry until it turns light brown.
Add R.chillies, Onions, Ginger, Tamarind paste and Coconut one by one in the specified order and fry each of them for about a min.
Grind the mixture along with salt to a thick paste. Yummy Onion-Ginger chutney is ready!